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GANE has been developed through a series of dialogues sponsored by the Economics Working Group. The dialogue has been broadened through presentation at workshops across the country, resulting in valuable feedback which has been incorporated into subsequent revisions.

Ruth Caplan, Founder and Director of the Economics Working Group has been responsible for the integration of concepts into GANE. Caplan was formerly Executive Director of Environmental Action and Environmental Action Foundation, national organizations founded by the organizers of the first Earth Day in 1970. She is author of Our Earth, Ourselves, published by Bantam. She recently chaired the Jobs and Labor Working Group for President's Council on Sustainable Development.

The following people have made significant contributions to the concepts in GANE:

Greg Bischak, Executive Director of National Commission for Economic Conversion and Disarmament; PhD in economics from New School for Social Research.

John Cavanagh, Co-Director, Institute for Policy Studies; author with Richard J. Barnet of Global Dreams; co-author of seven previous books on the global economy.

Philip Harvey, economist and lawyer; author of Securing the Right to Full Employment; professor at Rutgers University; previously fellow at Russell Sage Foundation.

Richard Healey, Director of Grassroots Policy Project, Washington, D.C.; formerly director of Institute for Policy Studies and editor of Nuclear Times.

David Korten, Director of People-Centered Development Forum; author of When Corporations Rule the World and of Getting to the 21st Century; PhD Stanford University in organizational theory; worked in Southeast Asia with Ford Foundation and U.S. AID.

Cathy Lerza, foundation consultant, formerly Executive Director of Shalan Foundation; managed national conference on Defining Sustainable Communities; writer and actress.

Larry Martin, Office of Science & Planning, U.S. EPA (for identification only); expert on urban recycling; active member of TOES - The Other Economic Summit.

William Painter, Office of Policy Analysis, Water and Agriculture Policy Division, U.S. EPA (for identification only).

Michael Renner, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute; author of Jobs in a Sustainable Economy and Adjustments after the Cold War: Strategies for Conversion, published by UNDIR; contributor to annual State of the World reports.

Leonard Rodberg, Professor of urban studies, Queens College; nuclear physicist; established office of arms conversion for State Department; developed legislation on community-based health care; testified on "Employment Impact of the Solar Transition," for the Joint Economic Committee of Congress.

Sumner Rosen, professor emeritus Columbia University School of Social Work; founder of National Jobs for All Coalition; editor of Economic Power Failure; The Current American Crisis published by McGraw Hill.


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